Continuous Emissions Monitoring
OPSIS’ systems for continuous emissions monitoring (CEM) set the standard for reliable and cost efficient solutions to your industrial monitoring needs. OPSIS’ systems are installed and operated in a wide range of applications, including but not limited to power plants, waste incinerators, glass manufacturing industries and aluminium smelters. OPSIS has been in this business for decades, our systems have been installed all over the world, and we know how these industries work and what the expectations are.
The systems are based on OPSIS’ gas analysers utilizing open-path DOAS technology for measurement of concentrations of a wide range of gaseous compounds. Measurements can often be made in-situ, thereby excluding any need for extraction and dilution of the flue gases. This is of particular interest where the flue gas is dust-laden, highly humid and/or aggressive. However, extractive systems can sometimes have its benefits, and OPSIS is then happy to provide such system solutions too.
In addition to the gas analysers, the systems usually also include flow meters, dust monitors and sensors for temperature and pressure; in all forming complete solutions providing full and continuous surveillance of the emissions from any industrial process.
The OPSIS systems for continuous emissions monitoring have a great advantage in a single gas analyser being able to measure a wide range of gaseous compounds, often in multiple gas ducts, providing a cost-efficient solution to the monitoring needs. A further advantage is the very low maintenance requirements, minimizing operating costs. The systems are easily integrated in existing process control systems, providing both real-time data and information for emissions reporting.
OPSIS and its representatives keep careful track of legislation and directives applicable to continuous emissions monitoring, ensuring that the system solutions always meet the requirements set by the users and the authorities. Are you concerned about expressions like “EN15267” or “QAL3”? Don’t worry. OPSIS knows what it all means.
The OPSIS range of gas analysers have been tested and approved by a number of internationally recognized institutes and authorities, such as U.S. EPA, German TÜV and British MCERTS.
No matter what your continuous emissions monitoring need is, OPSIS has the solution for you.