Legal Notice
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Opsis Aktiebolag, Swedish registration number 556124-0598, also referred to as “Opsis AB” and “OPSIS AB” and hereunder as “OPSIS”, is the owner of the domain and related web sites (each an “OPSIS Website”) and, unless otherwise indicated, of all contents contained therein. By accessing and using the content of an OPSIS Website, you agree to the terms and conditions found below. If you do not agree, then do not use the content of any OPSIS Website.
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OPSIS appreciates if you give feedback, comments or suggestions through mechanisms provided by an OPSIS Website. However, any such information is given by you on a voluntary basis. You acknowledge that OPSIS may use such information for any purpose it sees fit and without any compensation or other obligations to you.
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The word OPSIS and the OPSIS logotype are either trademarks or registered trademarks of OPSIS. All other trademarks used on an OPSIS Website are the property of their respective owners.
Any OPSIS Website and its contents are provided “as is” and “as found”, without any warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of accuracy, completeness, non-infringement, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. OPSIS reserves the right to change the contents of such website, including this legal notice, at any time without prior notice.
OPSIS and its subsidiaries shall in no event be liable for any damages; direct or indirect, punitive, incidental, special, consequential or others; arising out of or in any way connected with the use of or inability to use an OPSIS Website and its contents, whether based on contract, tort, strict liability or otherwise, even if OPSIS has been advised of the possibility of any such damages.
An OPSIS Website may contain links to other websites owned or controlled by third parties. OPSIS provide such links for the convenience of the visitors, but assumes no responsibility and shall in no event be held liable for the contents or lack of contents of such third party websites.
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[OPSIS LN 170602]